作者:http://www.jinyijiafy.com  分类:译者天地  时间:2017-11-04  浏览:次





















将4到5个冰块放入鸡尾酒调酒器中,接着陆续加入伏特加、番茄汁、伍斯特沙司、柠檬汁、塔巴斯科辣沙司和芹菜盐,摇匀并过滤后,倒入装有冰块的高球杯中。使用一根芹菜作为点缀,在高球杯鸡尾酒表面轻撒入一些胡椒粉。加胡椒粉的做法是取自俄罗斯传统上饮用伏特加酒的习惯:那个年代,伏特加酒有时蒸馏得不彻底,纯度不高,加入胡椒粉能够促使可能有害的剑麻油排出至酒表面。至少,伏特加和胡椒的组合,看来正如伊恩• 弗莱明笔下的詹姆斯•邦德在《007之太空城》(Moonraker)中一次晚宴上对于自己与上司M的感情的描述。长春翻译公司 www.jinyijiafy.com





 Bloody Mary


The original Bloody Mary, it is said, was devised by Fernard Petiot, a noted mixologist of the 20s, when he was working in Harry’s New York Bar, Paris. Petiot named the cocktail after Mary Pickford, nicknamed ‘America’s Sweetheart’ and unquestionably one of the greatest Hollywood leading ladies of the day. History, it seems, does not record what she thought of the name, though she certainly had the reputation of being difficult to handle. Nowadays, there are literally hundreds of versions of what has become probably the world’s most popular vodka-based cocktail.


Two parts vodka

Six parts tomato juice

Two dashes Worcestershire sauce

One dash lemon juice

One dash of Tabasco sauce

Pinch of celery salt

Pinch of white or black pepper

Ice cubes

A stick of celery as garnish


Place four or five ice cubes in a cocktail shaker, and add the vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, Tabasco sauce and the celery salt. Shake well and strain into a highball glass over some more ice cubes. Garnish with the celery stick, lightly dusting the drink’s surface with the pepper. This is an old Russian tradition where vodka is concerned: in the days when the spirit was not always that well-distilled and pure, the pepper dusting forced potentially harmful sisal oil to the surface. At least, that’s how Ian Fleming’s James Bond explained the affectation to ‘M’ over dinner in Moonraker.


For once, you should not be afraid to vary things to suit your particular palate - if you like your Bloody Mary spicier, increase the amounts of the Worcestershire sauce and the Tabasco. For a complete change, try substituting tequila for the vodka, when you will end up with what South Americans call a Bloody Maria. Or, if you use a clam juice and tomato juice mixture, you’ll be drinking a Bloody Muddle!


 原文来源:P111-112, Cocktails , 1999  HarperCollins Publishers Limited

(The original English version is only used for translation study and discussion, no commercial purpose; if any infringement arises, please contact us for deleting the original English version.)






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